
OBR: 6.01 FED: 2-22-1, 8-3-2

Type 1 (A) obstruction: Immediate dead ball; award base beyond last legally touched.

Type 2 (B) obstruction: delayed dead ball; award bases, if any, to nullify the effect of the obstruction.

Obstruction is always a delayed dead ball. On conclusion of action, kill ball and award bases to nullify obstruction, but minimum one base beyond the point of the obstruction.

Ball lodged in clothing or equipment

OBR: 5.06(c)(7),  5.06(b)(4)(I) FED: 5-1-1-f-5,  8-3-3-d,  8-3-3-f

Fair batted ball: Immediate dead ball. Batter-runner awarded first; runners advance if forced.

Pitched ball: Immediate dead ball. One base all runners from time of pitch.

Thrown ball: Immediate dead ball. One base all runners from last leagally touched base.

NOTE: OBR allows tossing glove or mitt in which ball is lodged for purpose of making a play.

Fair batted ball: Immediate dead ball. Batter-runner awarded first; runners advance if forced.

Pitched ball: Immediate dead ball. One base all runners from time of pitch.

Thrown ball: Immediate dead ball. One base all runners from last leagally touched base.

Fake tag without the ball

OBR: n/a FED: 2-22-2

No rule. Fake tag allowed.

A fake tag without the ball is obstruction; delayed dead ball; base award.


OBR: 5.06(b)(3)(C) and Comment FED: 8-3-3-d

A rule change in 2014 eliminated catch-and-carry in OBR: "If a fielder, after having made a legal catch, should step or fall into any out-of-play area, the ball is dead and each runner shall advance one base, without liability to be put out …"

There is no catch-and-carry in FED. If a fielder steps into dead-ball territory with both feet, or falls in dead-ball territory, you have an immediate dead ball and base awards (one base).

Player positions on the field

OBR: 5.02 FED: 1-1-4

Except for the catcher, all players must be in fair territory to put the ball in play. Do not enforce unless challenged by opposing coach. There is no rule governing position of players after the ball is put in play.

Minimum one foot in fair territory at time of pitch; penalty is illegal pitch.